Spring 2025 Enrollment Form
Available for submission: Friday, January 17, 2025
Deadline for all students to submit: Friday, January 24, 2025 by 5:00pm
About the Enrollment Form: each semester, all students are required to complete the Enrollment Form to verify their presence on campus and make changes to their personal and directory information, if applicable. Students are notified by email when the Enrollment Form is available and will continue to receive reminders until they successfully submit.
Enrollment Form Holds: students are notified by email if they have enrollment holds (from the Bursar, Student Aid, or Health Services) that must be resolved before students can access the enrollment form. To resolve enrollment holds, students should work directly with the office that placed the hold and notified them by email.
Accessing the Enrollment Form: the Enrollment Form may be accessed using a computer or mobile phone, but works best when accessed from on campus by connecting to the Bowdoin network, not Bowdoin guest.
Submission Timeline:
Students who fail to submit the Enrollment Form and/or fail to resolve an enrollment hold by Friday, January 24, 2025 at 5:00pm will be dropped from all classes.
Dropped students will lose access to all course materials in Canvas and be removed from the class email lists. Instructors will not use alternate methods to provide course materials, include dropped students in communications, nor hold the vacated seat for them to re-add.
There is no guarantee that students will be able to re-register for the courses from which they were dropped as the vacated seats will become available for other students to add.
Students dropped from classes must obtain "Instructor Permission" through Polaris and then add courses in Polaris prior to the Add/Drop II deadline: 5:00 pm on Monday, February 3, 2025.
After that time, courses may only be added with approval of the Recording Committee.
If enrollment holds are not resolved and/or the Enrollment Form is not submitted by 8:30 am on Monday, February 10, 2025, a block will be put on ID card functions, including a block on residence hall access, dining service, and library privileges.
After 12:00 pm on Monday, February 17, 2025, any student who has not resolved an enrollment hold and/or submitted the Enrollment Form will be put on an involuntary leave of absence and asked to leave the College.
Submission Instructions:
From a computer or mobile device, navigate to the Enrollment Form and log in using your Bowdoin username and password.
Once logged in, you will navigate through five or six screens of information.
Review the information carefully and make any needed changes to personal and directory information.
The Enrollment Form will only be successfully submitted after every screen is reviewed.
Click the "Submit" button at the end.
- Note that information updated via the Enrollment Form will appear in Polaris within 24 hours.
A confirmation email will be sent after successful completion.
If you do not receive a confirmation email, check your spam/junk/other folders. If the email is not there, then you did not successfully submit the Enrollment Form and should navigate back to the Enrollment Form and click submit.
Save the confirmation email as evidence of completion.
Encountering technical problems?
- Contact IT Service and Support. Detailed information for reaching IT is available here.