Faculty-hosted Meals with Students

The Office of the Dean for Academic Affairs makes meal tickets available to faculty to promote student-faculty interaction beyond the classroom.

You will receive five meal tickets at the start of each semester from your Academic Department Coordinator.  We ask that you write the name of the student that you are dining with and present the card to the dining hall checker.

In continuation of last year’s pilot, we’re also able to offer a limited number of “beverage cards” to be used to share a drink with a student at the café or a dining hall.  Please email Mike Ranen (mranen@whtmy.com) directly and he will send over beverage cards via campus mail.

The Office of the Dean of Students also has a small pool of funds so you can entertain students at your home. You will be reimbursed $8 per student per event with a maximum reimbursement of $150 per event. No alcohol may be purchased with these funds. Submit receipts through Workday Expense and use code CC419.

Any questions?  Contact Mike Ranen, Associate Dean for Academic Administration